Sunday 10 July 2016

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together!

What is Jack Ma Mission?

Jack Ma wanted to improve the global e-commerce system by exposing new ways of doing business.

What is Dr. Jau Fei Chen Mission?

Dr. Jau Fei Chen entered Brigham Young University, USA at the tender age of 16, and achieved her doctorate in Immunology at 26, entering the fascinating world of Immunology and Microbiology, and marking her foray into cancer research.

One day, during her routine visit to late stage cancer patients, a cancer mother caught her attention.  After hearing to this mother sharing, she realized her new cancer drugs development will never able to bring significant hope to this mother for her to see her children grow up,  graduate or attend her children wedding. This realization made Dr. Chen devastated. She thought she can bring hope to the world but the fact she's not.

Dr. Chen realized medicines development will never surpass the diseases evolution.

According to the recent World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated 84 million people died from cancer in 2005 and 2015 time frame.

World Day of the cancer, WHO announced 5 scariest types of cancer
1. Lung cancer (1.4 million deaths)

2. Stomach cancer (740 000 deaths)

3. Liver cancer (700,000 deaths)

4. Colorectal cancer (610 000 deaths)

5. Breast cancer (460 000 deaths)

30 years ago, Dr. Chen made a big turning. Instead of focus on new cancer drugs development, she discovered the link between proper nutrition and the health of the human immune system. This momentous discovery led Dr. Chen to pioneer the science of Nutritional Immunology - her answer to preventive healthcare. Let us know more about  Nutritional Immunology, NI Lifestyle

Dr.Chen is worldwide recognized. She has won many international awards and accolades for her excellent contributions as a scientist and entrepreneur. 

My Mission
For me, I believe all of us deserve to have good health, financial freedom and time to enjoy with loved one. Missing either one, it could be health, wealth or time will definitely cause regret in life. My MISSION OF LIFE is to help more people to achieve what they deserve to have - FREEDOM.

I remembered an old quote from Confucius.

"To put the world right in order,

we must put the nation in order;

to put the nation in order,

we must first put the family in order;

to put the family in order,

we put first cultivate our personal life;

we must first set our hearts right."


Each of us is a candle. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle, my dear friend.You too can make a difference to the world! Let's hold hand together to create a better world to live in.

 For more information,  please send your email to my gmail address or contact me at +(65) 9298 7852. I am looking forward to partnership with you to build a great future together.

"Money is a result. Wealth is a result. Health is a result. Illness is a result. Your weight is a result, We live in a world of cause and effect. ."

Best regards and thanks,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.

Contact me: +65 9298 7852 

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