Saturday 30 July 2016

When opportunity is knocking at your door, how do you react?

My dear friend,


We always heard from our parent when we're away from home,  we depend on friends.


We also know 


"You are the average of the 

5 people you spend the most time with"  

by Jim Rohn

Below, is wise words from Jack Ma. 

Please choose your friends carefully, my friend. 


Who you surround yourself with, you become!


 For more information,  please send your email to my gmail address or 

contact me at +(65) 9298 7852. I am looking forward to partnership with you to build a 

"Money is a result. Wealth is a result. Health is a result. Illness is a result. Your weight is a result, We live in a world of cause and effect. ."

Best regards and thanks,
Fei ling.
Ultimate Freedom Trainer
Stay Healthy, Wealthy And Be Happy.

Contact me: +65 9298 7852 


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